Circular Economy, Recycling, Sustainability, Material

Sustainable packaging: Why post-consumer recycling is the key

15/07/2024 | 10 min read
Florian Aschermayer

In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, recycled packaging plays a critical role. Greiner Packaging is a leader in packaging solutions based on post-consumer recycled material. Find out why this approach is not only environmentally friendly but also offers a variety of solutions for different applications. 

Why post-consumer recycled content?

Using post-consumer recycled material in packaging is crucial to promote the circular economy and reduce environmental impact. Unlike post-industrial recycled material, post-consumer recycled content is collected and reused after consumption, resulting in a more efficient use of resources. Post-industrial recycled content is not considered in regulations such as the PPWR (the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation). Regulations of this type are based on post-consumer recycled content in packaging. 

7 tips for sustainable packaging

The diversity of materials

Packaging can often consist of different types of plastic, such as PET, PP, PS, and PE, each with its own properties and recycling options.  

PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is often used for drink bottles or trays and is one of the most widely used recycled plastics. It can be mechanically recycled by shredding, cleaning, and reshaping it into new products such as bottles or cups. Recycled PET is readily available compared to other types of plastic, making it a popular material for recycled plastic packaging. 

PP (polypropylene) is also widely available and used in a variety of packaging applications. PP can also be mechanically recycled, but usually not for food use, but mostly for the non-food sector. In chemical recycling, the polymer is broken down into its basic building blocks, which can then be used to produce new plastics. Chemically recycled PP is likely to be used for food applications. 

PE (polyethylene) is characterized by its flexibility, durability, and chemical resistance, which makes it a popular material for rigid plastic packaging. It is often used in containers, bottles, and canisters as it is suitable for food and non-food products. PE is cleaned, shredded, and processed into new products in mechanical recycling.  

PS (polystyrene) is often used in disposable food packaging, such as yogurt cups. Although it is still less frequently recycled than other types of plastic, there are also opportunities for the mechanical recycling of PS. These opportunities are also increasing since PS packaging makes up a large proportion of the volume. 

The diversity of materials offers a wide range of recycling options, which allow us to use resources more efficiently and reduce waste. 

Mechanical vs. chemical recycling

There are two main processes for recycling plastic packaging: mechanical recycling and chemical recycling. Mechanical recycling is the traditional approach. In it, plastics are collected, sorted, and cleaned before being processed into new products. This process has the advantage of being comparatively simple and inexpensive and helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste. However, mechanical recycling also has its limitations. Impurities and degradation products can limit the quality of the end product. 

Chemical recycling, on the other hand, uses chemical processes to break down plastics into their original components and then convert them into new plastics. This method has the advantage of enabling a higher purity of the end product. This technology is not yet fully developed, but offers excellent potential - also in terms of its potentially high resource efficiency. 

Both recycling processes have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on various factors, such as the availability of raw materials, local recycling infrastructures, and environmental impact. In the end, it is important that companies consider both mechanical and chemical recycling and find the right balance to promote a sustainable and efficient circular economy. 


Aspect Mechanical Recycling Chemical Recycling


Simple and cost-effective Enables the cleaning of contaminated material
  Contributes to the reduction of plastic waste Higher purity of the end product
Disadvantages The quality of the end product varies depending on the quality of the material flow More complicated and expensive than mechanical recycling
  Susceptible to contamination and degradation products Requires special equipment and technologies

Country-specific requirements

The requirements and standards for recycled packaging vary from country to country. Some countries have stricter regulations and guidelines for the use of recycled materials, while in other countries the infrastructure for recycling may need to be developed more.  

In general, the trend towards more and more forms of “plastic taxes” can be observed. This article provides an overview of packaging regulations in the EU. 

PPWR: Agreement on more sustainable packaging in the EU 
For more information on the Plastic Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and its impact on the packaging industry, we recommend our special article on this topic. Read more 


on the plastics tax 

So, which taxes currently apply where? What developments are pending, and what country-specific features need to be taken into account? Our concise infographic provides an overview of the current situation in the EU and the UK.

The role of Greiner Packaging:

Greiner Packaging is committed to integrating recycled materials into its products and supports various initiatives and projects in sustainable packaging. The company works closely with customers and partners to provide customized solutions that meet individual requirements while reducing environmental impact. Through investment in research and development and continuous innovation, Greiner Packaging strives to positively contribute to the environment and promote a more sustainable future. 

Advantages of packaging with post-consumer recycled content

Using packaging with post-consumer recycled content offers a variety of benefits for companies and the environment. Besides the obvious environmental benefits, such as reducing waste and protecting natural resources, companies can also save costs and improve their image by positioning themselves as an environmentally conscious brand. Using recycled materials in packaging is a step towards a more sustainable future and a way to help protect our environment. 

Challenges and solutions

While using recycled materials in packaging has many benefits, some challenges remain. These include the availability of recycled materials, quality assurance, and the complexity of recycling processes. Companies such as Greiner Packaging are actively addressing these challenges and continuously looking for innovative solutions to offer sustainable packaging.  

Advantages of packaging with post-consumer recycled content: 

  • Reduction of waste 
  • Protection of natural resources 
  • Reduction of environmental pollution 
  • Improvement of the brand image through environmental awareness 

Challenges of using recycled materials: 

  • Availability of recycled materials 
  • Quality assurance of recycled materials 
  • Complexity of recycling processes 
  • Possible higher costs for specialized recycling technologies 

Future developments

The future of the packaging industry is influenced by several factors, including technological innovations, legal requirements, and changing consumer preferences. Companies like Greiner Packaging are prepared to face these challenges and actively shape future developments. Through investment in research and development and close collaboration with customers and partners, they strive to develop innovative and sustainable packaging solutions that meet the demands of the future. 

The importance of diversity and flexibility

By integrating different materials and recycling approaches, Greiner Packaging can offer a variety of sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing packaging solutions. This diversity and flexibility allow customers to find the right solution for their specific requirements without compromising on quality or performance. 

Read more about our focus on recycling


Packaging with post-consumer recycled content is a key to reducing waste and conserving natural resources, making it an important contribution to a more sustainable future. By using recycled materials, companies can not only save costs but also improve their image and position themselves as pioneers in the field of environmental friendliness. The variety of recycling options and the continuous search for innovative solutions show that a sustainable packaging industry is possible. Working together towards a circular economy and promoting the use of recycled materials, we can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment and ensuring a future worth living for generations to come.  

Greiner Packaging is proud to be part of this change and looks forward to continuing to provide sustainable packaging solutions that meet individual needs while protecting the environment. 

7 tips for sustainable packaging

Would you like tips for more sustainable packaging? Here is our free tip sheet with the seven most important points to consider. 

Contact us

Florian Aschermayer
Global Senior Expert Sustainable Material Excellence

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